Monday 25 June 2012

Intraday Trading

According to my experience,  Intraday trading can  give us more benefit if we will take care of the following things.
  • It becomes beneficial when  market starts in negative and it goes to positive after 2-3 hours.
  • Intraday is good when we trade in the share whose price is more than INR 90.
  • We must have to review the ups and down of the share from historical data available on the site of different stock exchange.
  • We must have to updated with the public news available in the market.
  • Most of the ups and downs come in the market before 1P.M. and after that we can  buy  the shares at its lowest price and can sell it after taking a good benefit. 
If you want to read blogs on General Philosophy ,Tourism and sports by same author then you can visit priyankablogthoughts .

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