Sunday 1 July 2012

Expectation of economic reform

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has taken the additional charge of finance ministry; in response of this news Indian Market looks bullish. As the rupee, after going to its lowest value taken a come back.Manmohan Singh which was the finance minister in 1991  had brought the economic reform in India with privatization, liberalization and Globalization. When he was the finance minister, the stock market was goes up nearly by 167%.So, the investor’s sentiment is positive towards the market and they expect the economic reform from him. Government has reduced the price of petrol and its positive effect is also seen in the market. It is expected that Stock Market will open in positive on Monday. As  many of the economists said that the position of India currency  in BRIC nation  is the poorest and its GDP growth is also not good but The data shows that the average GDP growth of India for last 8 years is better than Average GDP of  Brazil and Russia.Now we expect that market will take a turn and reach a higher position as the investors expect.


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